Experiencing water damage can be a devastating event, leaving homeowners and business owners alike feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the next steps. Whether it’s due to a burst pipe, severe weather, or an unexpected flood, the aftermath requires prompt and effective action to mitigate further damage and restore your space to its original condition. Restorations by Highmark makes this process simple with a clear process, and a support team working with you every step of the way.

Your Support Team

Red circle with the words "Emergency Response" in white.
First onsite to guide you through initial steps.
A red circle with the word "Mitigation" in white text at the center.
Dry out property and remove water damaged materials.
A gray circular icon with the word "Estimator" written in white in the center.
Work with your insurance to determine scope and price of repair.
A circular gray icon with the words "Project Manager" written in white text in the center.
Manage the timeline and remain a point of contact throughout project.
A gray circle with the text "Job Supervisor" in the center.
Check in throughout the project to ensure highest quality of work.
Restoration" text centered on a round, dark background.
Executes repair or rebuild of property as needed.

8 Steps To Water Damage Restoration

1. Emergency Response

Stop or repair source of water, identify the type of water loss, and determine next steps.

2. Initiate Mitigation

Isolate the damaged area, remove unsalvageable materials, and start the drying process.

3. Complete Mitigation

Complete mitigation and reconstruction scope and review costs with property owner.

4. Estimate Damages

Complete mitigation and reconstruction scope and review costs with property owner.

5. Insurance Claim

Property owner determines whether or not to use insurance. If so, obtain adjuster info.

6. Insurance Approval

Adjuster and Estimator review scope and costs together with agreement to proceed.

7. Reconstruction

Itemize, clean, and store all salvageable items. Restore property to pre-loss condition.

8. Project Complete

Return stored and cleaned personal items. Project complete.